I took some tranquilin, not a tranquilliser, it's a stimulant Adhd med. I took it to do my English coursework for school. I used to take these ones all the time last year but this year Im on dexamphetimine. However today I took tranquilin for the first time in like a year and its very different. I was very depressed last year but now im better; I was lonely, now I have a friend. The first friend I've had who I am not trying to impress; he is not trying to impress me. That is what we truly respect is someone who isn't insecure, insecurity is disingenuous. I used to have 'friends' who shared interests with me, however those are not friends. for me personally, a true source of social interaction is just a friend, someone who just wants to hangout, not because they want to get drunk or smoke weed, nothing wrong with that but that's not why you should hangout with anyone - don't convince yourself a smoke circle are your friends. I've been in many friendship circles but friend groups aren't necessarily a group of friends. trust the way it finds you there sometime. I've been sidetracked , from my coursework, then my message about tranquilin, then from my message about friends. - maybe these Adhd meds aren't working lol.